In this example, an VW2106 Readout is used, but the software works the same for all the RST readouts.
In RST Readout Host, connect the readout from which you want to save the location, you will be prompted to download the data.
When the data is downloaded, check all the check boxes in the upper left corner, click on the RST logo and select ‘Save As’.
The sites will be saved as a .INI file in the readout data folder designated using any name you would like.
In this example above, it is saved as VW2106 .ini.
To reload the .ini file, connect to the readout with RST Readout Host:
- Click on the RST Logo in the top left and select File > Open > select the VW2106 .ini file you saved from the readout and the locations will be displayed in the Readout Host screen.
- Click ‘Upload Sites’ and wait for the task bar at the bottom to indicate when it has been uploaded.
Once it is uploaded, you will have all the sites and data in the VW2106 Readout.