Scenario: Customer needs to setup a Campbell Scientific CR6 Logger in a LoggerNet to control the FlexDAQ Unit.
Solution: Follow the steps in the guide below to do the job.
A FlexDAQ incorporates a Campbell Scientific Data Logger (CR6, CR300, etc.), and a combination of external devices such as, telemetry, power, DTLoggers and sensors.
All FlexDAQ’s are built to customer’s specifications; therefore, not all devices in this manual will apply. Refer to sales order and/or checklist for complete specification of the FlexDAQ.
LoggerNET is support software package that controls the Campbell Scientific Data Logger which supports programming, communication and data retrieval between a logger and PC.
Install LoggerNet – Check if update is available
Note: LoggerNet may come with FlexDAQ – Check Sales Order
After Installation – Click Help → Check For Updates
Follow instructions.
Ensure Device Configuration Utility is up to date:
Go to the below link and update to latest Device Configuration Utility
Alternative method:
- Open LoggerNet
- Navigate to Device Configuration Utility
- Open Device Configuration Utility
- Click Help → Check For Updates
Update CRBasic Editor Compiler
- Go to
- Click Downloads
Install latest CR6 OS version v.10.02 (or newer)
Required Equipment:
- Micro-USB (CR6)
- Laptop / Desktop
- Ethernet cable (OPTIONAL)
LoggerNet Station Setup
Setup the CR6
Open LoggerNet application, Click and run the Device Config Utility application
- Select CR6 by selecting the correct Datalogger type under the Datalogger dropdown menu to the left or type CR6 in Search bar
- If a PakBus Encryption Key is included (CRXXXX_Passwords.pdf), enter the PakBus Encryption Key, provided in the USB Flash drive.
- Follow the instructions in the setup window to install any drivers necessary, if required.
Another Way to Set Up CR6:
Navigate to Set Up and click on Standard View button.
Click on Add Root and Select ComPort, under Select a device to add to… Select PakBusPort (PakBus Logger)… Select CR6Series and Close. Select the right ComPort Connection from the dropdown menu.
Connect CR6 to LoggerNet:
From LoggerNet main menu, launch Connect,
, application
Choose a station to connect to in the left menu; Once selected, click the Connect button, , in the upper left. Depending on the type of logger the series name may vary.
The LoggerNet Connect application. The different stations are found in the left menu.
Once connected, data can be collected, station time set, send new programs, etc.
Make sure to set the station date and time is correct, if not already set. This will sync the time to the computer that it is connected.
Once finished, disconnect from the station.
Setting up Scheduled Data Collection in LoggerNet
Note: The datalogger must be setup before setting up scheduled data collection.
- Launch LoggerNet and open the Setup Application,
- In the Entire Network window on the right, select the desired datalogger:
In the Schedule tab, perform the following steps:
- Check the Scheduled Collection Enabled box
- In the Base section, the Date may be left alone or change it to when start of collection started you can leave the Date at a default 01-Jan-90. Set the Time to the base (start) time. The base time is the reference time for the collection interval.
- Set the Collection Interval to the desired collection interval (frequency).
- Set the Primary Retry Interval to the desired interval at which the collection will be retried in case the first attempt fails.
- Set the Number of Primary Retries to the desired value.
- It’s recommended that the Secondary Retry Interval Enabled box is checked off.
- Click Apply in the Entire Network panel.
For example, the following setup will collect (download) the data from the datalogger every 12 hours at midnight and noon, retrying 3 times every 10 minutes if the initial data collection fails:
It is recommended to check whether the data is getting collected as desired after a couple of intervals have passed.
RSTAR Reading Interval
The default Scan Interval for the RSTAR network is 6 hour (default interval varies from order to order from one of the 5 intervals, see below).
Changing the RSTAR reading interval
- From LoggerNet’s launcher window, open the Connect,
, application found under the Main menu section.
- Connect to the station of interest.
- Once connected click the Ports & Flags button in the ribbon menu.
- Select an empty cell and click the Add button. (see Figure 10 for interface) The interface may vary slightly depending on type of logger program.
An example of the Ports and Flags pop-up interface.
- Select Public in the Tables column, and then add rstarMin_10 through to rstarHR_12 from within the Fields column by clicking Paste. (Figure 11: Selecting RSTAR Intervals & Figure 12 display interface after adding intervals) The interface may vary slightly depending on the type of logger program.
- Selecting RSTAR Intervals
An example of what the Ports and Flags pop-up interface will look like after adding the interval variables.
To change the interval, deselect the currently highlighted interval by clicking the lit green indicator. Once off, click the green indicator for the desired interval. During the next scan interval (1min), all of the loggers in the RSTAR network will be set to the new interval.
Click on the desired interval, e.g. rstarMin_10 for every 10 minutes, type in true and it will collect every 10 minutes.