When you want to change the configuration of DT Data Loggers or RTU, there are commands that could be sent to the DT Data Loggers or RTU via Hyperterminal (or similar program like YAT, Putty). The procedure to do that is described in the following guide.

1. Install Hyperterminal on your computer and click on the Hyperterminal Icon to start the program.

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2. You do not have to select Yes, you can select No.

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   3. Select a name for your session, it can be any name.

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4. Choose the proper USB com port on your computer or base station. This can be verified by looking at your device manager. Choose the correct port and click OK.

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5. Set your Bits per second at 921600 and make sure the rest of the entries are the same as the photo below, then click OK (or Apply and OK).

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6. When the blank screen appears below, press the enter key once to make a connection and it will Awake the connection.

Graphical user interface, text, application, Word

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7. Type INFO and take a screen shot of the information displayed.


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Other commands can be typed into the terminal with the direction of RST Technical Support personnel.